About me

I have always been fascinated by people and what makes them who they are.
As a child, I loved visiting the library every Wednesday and devouring every book I could get my hands on so I could learn more about the world. Whether I was reading fiction or gathering knowledge from these books, they provided me with an escape from the chaotic and traumatic environment I grew up in.

I overcame the circumstances of my childhood by working very hard as an adult. For 26 years I built a successful corporate career in diverse industries, including finance, and became the Head of a private billionaire family office.

I built a life that looked great on the outside, but I was crumbling on the inside and when I was diagnosed with cancer, I also decided to leave my marriage, change jobs, and move countries.

In the 25 years since then, I have worked with teachers, coaches, and mentors to create a life that I love, a business that blesses my life, and a loving marriage, while becoming an expert at whole-being transformation.

Today, I guide high-impact female philanthropists, professional women, and women entrepreneurs through transitions so they emerge from an Inner Earthquake – when their (inner) world is turned upside down – with unshakable self-confidence and a renewed appreciation for the deeper meaning of life.

I help my clients live with a sense of ease and wellbeing, find peace and calm no matter what the circumstances are, get connected to their bodies and know exactly who they are and what they want.