My two cents …
Do you work exclusively with women?
Nope. I work with people of all genders and identities.
I work with people who are exploring this human journey we are on together.
I identify as a cisgender hetero woman, racialized as white. My pronouns are she/her.
Are you the right guide / coach / teacher / consultant for me or my organization?
Let’s find out!
A lot of the work I do with individuals as well as organizations is bespoke, which means it is co-created WITH you and FOR you.
Because your life or your organization don’t fit in a mold, and a cookie cutter should only ever be used to make cookies.
Get in touch to find out more about Bespoke Coaching, or Bespoke Corporate programs.
A word on investment …
Working with me requires an investment of your financial resources, your family resources, your time, and your headspace.
Here is what I recommend so that you have the biggest ROI (Ripples of Impact) possible:
An important reason why the work is effective, is how you show up. In other words, show up ready to be all of you (the good, the bad, and the ugly), with curiosity as well as an openness to learning and growing.
It will be helpful for you to block out 15mins before and after our sessions, so that you give yourself some time to tune into yourself before, and perhaps going for a walk, having a meditative break, or capturing some notes afterwards.
If you are a person who journals – great!
If you are not a person who journals – great!
However, if you haven’t tried journaling before, I would recommend that you give it a go. Try it for 30 days and see what happens.
There are many resources available, but you might like to look into “morning pages” as defined by Julia Cameron, or use an app to get started on your mobile device right now.